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 Newham PRU’s Enrichment Safeguarding Teambuilding holiday programme (NEST)is an intervention aimed at targeting our most vulnerable students. It runs during the school holidays and after school. The students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of fun, challenging and team building activities such as sports, art, music, hair and beauty and visits to places of interest whilst providing them with a safe environment. It helps to develop their self esteem and build resilience. Staff are on hand to continue the nurturing and mentoring relationships already built up with students. The programme offers our students a more positive alternative to those unstructured times where they may be out in the community and are at risk of being drawn into risky or anti social behaviours. We work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure they are kept fully aware of what NEST has to offer. We aim to continue to develop the NEST programme further to offer more to our students and to cater for demand.